It’s a beautiful spring morning in Cedar Hill. The warm sunlight and blue skies indicate that it’s going to be a great day. You smile with approval and continue on with your morning routine. Then all of a sudden, you hear someone screaming. Your child scrambles up the stairs to inform you that the basement is flooding!
We all have those unwanted surprises in our lives, water damage being one of them. When experiencing the unexpected trauma of having your property flooded and your valuables damaged, it might be smart to familiarize yourself with the different water types that you could be swimming in. Some water types can pose a serious threat to your health and safety. We at Stanley Restoration are experts in properly handling water damage and want to ensure your family, pets and valuables are safe from harm.

Category 1: Clean Water
Hey! I can’t turn off the sink!
This type of water comes from sanitary sources like overflowing sinks, rain, snow, and water supply line problems. It poses no substantial risk from dermal, ingestion, or inhalation exposure; however, it must be treated quickly. Mold can grow within 24-48 hours from initial water damage. If left untreated within 72 hours, it will move to a Category 2 water loss. Trust us, you don’t want to make an already bad problem worse.
Category 2: Gray Water
Hey! the washing machine is spitting out water!
This category of water is considered to be moderate and may cause illness and discomfort. Just like a Category 1 water source, this problem needs to be dealt with immediately. If it’s not treated within 48 hours, it becomes a Category 3 Loss, which is a lot more messier and expensive to deal with. The most common sources for gray water are toilet bowls, sump pumps, dishwashers and washing machines. Most important rule to remember? Don’t drink this water! It contains chemicals not fit for consumption and you might find yourself having not-so-good symptoms.
Category 3: Black Water
Hey! The toilet is overflowing and the water doesn’t look too pretty!
This is the worst case scenario in a water damage dilemma and will require you to take immediate action. The danger levels for black water are extremely high and can cause serious illnesses like infections, long-term respiratory problems, etc. Black water should be left strictly to the professionals. The use of specialized equipment is required to clear black water without threatening the health of both humans and animals in the area. The most common sources are any sewage or toilet backflows as well as floods. This is a problem that should be handled by professionals who are certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).
Act Now
When your house has been water damaged, there is no time to lounge around and wait for a convenient time to start the cleanup process. We at Stanley Restoration are a family-owned business that is on call 24/7 to handle any type of water damage dilemma you might face. Some of the other services we provide besides water damage restoration is fire damage restoration, roof replacement and repair, and content restoration.
Please contact us for more information on how we can help you. Even if you aren’t interested in our services at this time, we are happy to offer any advice and information on how to recover from your losses and go from having a bad day, to a good one!