The Wounded Warrior Case Study
Restoring The Irreplaceable.
- Insurance Company: Allstate Insurance
- Type of Damage: Category 3 Water Loss, Mold, Rust
- Loss Date: September 2013
We think often of this young Marine who we had the true priveledge to serve. Gravely wounded in the Khandahar Province, he died three times on the helicopter en route to the emergency trauma facilities. The dilligent medics were able to revive and stabilize him after the third time his heart had stopped. Fighting severe blood loss and a shattered body, this brave Marine would become one of the few to survive a devastating IED attack while on foot. Some of his fellow squad members were not as lucky.

We love restoring items for homeowners, but this was different. We had to restore these items for this young Marine. They represented who he was, what he had done and all that he had been through. Failure, in our mind, was not an option.
We were honored to be able to give something back to someone who had given so much for our nation – a silent and humble hero who was always uncomfortable when we thanked him for his service.